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Florida Restaurant Show and Pizza Summit 2024

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How Do I Get Everyone to Care as Much as I Do? The Keys to Effective (and Fun!) Leadership

November 06, 2024
Education Alley - Theater 1179
Ever felt like leadership is just one long ordeal of chasing people down for things? Or have you avoided taking on a leadership position because you just did NOT want to be the one with a million things on their plate? Maybe you'd be happy with just a little bit more accountability and follow-through from your team/coworkers. (There's a checklist for a reason, people!!)  Being a leader isn't about being an owner or a manager, though it can be. A leader is someone with a vision, and you can have that whether it's day one on the job, or day one thousand. This presentation will offer leadership training and development that can be applied just as readily to building out more efficient bar/restaurant systems as it can to building a team that truly cares and works together!
Alison Anne, Leader - Restaurant Revolution



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